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Dr. Irene George, DDS
1001 Pacific St. Suite E
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone: (831) 747 - 1794
Fax: (831) 920 - 1471
There are 2 major types of dentures. Partials are to replace a few missing teeth. Or complete dentures to replace all missing teeth in one jaw or both.
Additionally, there are various materials used to fabricate partial dentures including metal frameworks or flexible and aesthetic material.
Temporary partials are also available for immediate replacement of a few teeth after extraction. These temporaries are known as "Flippers or Stayplates"
Partial Dentures
Complete Denture (CD)
Implants can be used to retain or support complete denture. This is particularly recommended for lower CD to overcome their chronic loss of retention.
Conventional CD
Implant retained CD
Implant Supported CD
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